Success Stories


Magical Love Story

*Watch Gavin & Joy's Success Story Interview on YouTube: Success Story Interview

We were both devoted to prayer (intention) and action (dating) in search of a spiritually aligned partner. We both were clear on what we were looking for in a relationship as well as clear about how we wanted to FEEL in a relationship. Compatibility (on many levels) was essential to both of us. And we both lead with tenacity, heart, and hope.

Part of the success was simply the honest and deliberate profiles we each created, which gave us each a strong indication that we could be a match. From our initial communication, an extraordinary and deep connection blossomed. Despite a 10-hour driving distance, we transitioned from site messages to Zoom, to meeting in person within three weeks. Since then, we've been inseparable. Yep – we live together and share a life together. The joy and compatibility we share surpass our expectations, and we continually embrace each other's abundant love. It is so good!!, with its mature and health-conscious community, brought us together. The platform's support, awesome, detailed profile questions, and customer service reflect a commitment to dating success. We were both so impressed with the site and recommend it to others all the time.

What is also remarkable about finding each other is that we are both leadership mentors. In celebration of our connection and love, we recently co-facilitated a deeply inspiring Singles Retreat in Mt Shasta, California, sponsored by the Conscious Dating Network, and anticipate more. Our hearts are forever grateful to Jill!

Joy Clarissa Taylor & Gavin Frye


*Watch Gavin & Joy's Success Story Interview on YouTube: Success Story Interview


NOTE: Spiritual Singles is part of the Conscious Dating Network which is comprised of many "Spiritual/Conscious/Mindful" and "Green/Eco-Conscious" dating sites that all share the same large database of members (like different rivers flowing into the same ocean). Members only need join one site to have access to all members from all sites.